Thermal Analysis

Thermal Analysis is important to a wide variety of industries, including polymers, composites, pharmaceuticals, foods, petroleum, inorganic and organic chemicals, and many others. These instruments typically measure heat flow, weight loss, dimension change, or mechanical properties as a function of temperature. Properties characterized include melting, crystallization, glass transitions, cross-linking, oxidation, decomposition, volatilization, coefficient of thermal expansion, and modulus. These experiments allow the user to examine end-use performance, composition, processing, stability, and molecular structure and mobility.

Thermal Analysis
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Instrument Categories

Differential Scanning Calorimeters

Differential Scanning Calorimeters (DSC) measure temperatures and heat flows associated with thermal transitions in a material. Common usage includes investigation, selection, comparison and end-use performance evaluation of materials in research, quality control and production applications. Properties measured by TA Instruments’ DSC techniques include glass transitions, “cold” crystallization, phase changes, melting, crystallization, product stability, cure / cure kinetics, and oxidative stability.

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Differential Scanning Calorimeters

Thermogravimetric Analyzers

Discover the advanced engineering and attention to detail that provides enhancements in every aspect of TGA technology and a new level of user experience.

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Thermogravimetric Analyzers

Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer

Discover the advanced engineering and attention to detail that provides enhancements in every aspect of performance and a new level of user experience. Available with or without an Autosampler, the Discovery SDT is sure to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

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Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer

Vapor Sorption Analysis

TA Instruments offers the most sensitive, versatile, and productive moisture sorption analyzers on the market. The Q5000SA combines a high sensitivity thermo balance, innovative humidity control chamber, and reliable autosampler. The VTI-SA boasts an integrated dew-point analyzer and organic solvent capability.

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Vapor Sorption Analysis

Dynamic Mechanical Analyzers

TA Instruments is the world leader in Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, offering two state-of-the art dedicated DMA instruments and additional DMA capability through our rheometers and mechanical test instruments. All TA Instruments DMA products feature innovative technology for force and displacement measurements, temperature control and accuracy, instrument stiffness, and ease-of-use.

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Dynamic Mechanical Analyzers

Thermomechanical Analyzer

Discover the advanced engineering and attention to detail that provides enhancements in every aspect of performance and a new level of user experience. Featuring advanced testing capabilities and the widest range of fixtures, the Discovery TMA 450 is sure to meet and exceed your expectations.

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Thermomechanical Analyzer

Thermal Conductivity & Diffusivity Analyzers

Thermal conductivity is a measure of a material’s ability to transfer heat and thermal diffusivity measures the rate of heat transfer. Together with specific heat capacity, these thermophysical property measurements offer comprehensive informationon a material’s ability to store and transfer heat. The precise and accurate measurement of heat transfer properties is critical for materials that are required to insulate, conduct, or simply withstand temperature changes.

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TA FOX Heat Flow Meters

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