Quadrupole Time of Flight LC/MS - Revident LC/Q-TOF

The Revident LC/Q-TOF embodies the next generation of quadrupole time-of-flight instruments featuring truly innovative (electronic) instrument architecture together with instrument intelligence, a novel, ultrafast detector, and an updated, robust calibrant delivery system.

Excelling in routine screening, high resolution, accurate-mass quantitation, identification of unknowns, and high-throughput testing, the Revident Q-TOF LC/MS system is ideal for small molecule applications in food safety and environmental analysis, as well as metabolomics, pharmaceutical, and forensic analyses.

Revident LC/Q-TOF
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Innovation that expands your lab’s potential

Excelling in routine screening, high resolution, accurate-mass quantitation, identification of unknowns, and high-throughput testing, the Revident Q-TOF LC/MS system is ideal for small molecule applications in food safety and environmental analysis, as well as metabolomics, pharmaceutical, and forensic analyses.

With its high performance and robustness, the Revident LC/Q-TOF mass spectrometer helps you achieve your most challenging throughput and data quality goals—without compromise.

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  • High resolution (Hi-Res) mass spectrometry screening can be used to increase measurement capabilities dramatically for analyses of samples with large numbers of suspects, including retrospective analysis using full mass spectra information
  • Simultaneous routine screening and quantitation using data-independent acquisition modes enable sensitive detection and identification of contaminants that maintain performance at high acquisition rates
  • Optimal instrument performance via scheduled tunes and calibration, early maintenance feedback, and instrument diagnostics increases your lab productivity
  • Intelligent reflex workflows include automatic reinjection for carryover, saturation, fast screening, suspect screening confirmation, and iterative MS/MS that allow the instrument to continuously acquire data while you focus on the results
  • New and intuitive mass spectrometry acquisition software is aligned with the LC/TQ UI, and it is simplified and tailored to different lab roles from technician to lab manager and auditor
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