Results and discussion
Target compounds behavior in GC chromatogram
To observe the behavior of the target compounds on the GC chromatogram, a standard mixture with a concentration of 200 mg/L was analyzed using both helium and nitrogen as the carrier gas (see Figure 1). All compounds could elute from the GC column within 14 minutes and achieved baseline separation. It was observed that the retention times of all compounds were earlier with nitrogen as the carrier gas (Figure 1B) compared to helium (Figure 1A).
Calibration curve and linearity
The responses of each compound were evaluated at six concentration levels using the calibration standards prepared in this study. The results obtained using helium as the carrier gas were collected and statistically analyzed. The calibration curves for the 13 compounds are shown in Figure 2. All 13 compounds exhibited strong positive linear correlations between peak area and concentration, with correlation coefficients (R2) ranging from 0.9996 to 0.9999.