Automated reaction systems for chemical synthesis, process development & scale-up

From identifying active molecules, through to pilot-scale synthesis, H.E.L Group provides a comprehensive range of automated reaction systems to facilitate your chemical synthesis, covering everything from research to development, optimization, and scale-up.

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Chemical Synthesis

From small-scale process development and Design of Experiment (DoE) to calorimetric studies, our systems offer essential features, including:

  • Temperature control: to study the effect of temperature and thermal events on reactions
  • Overhead stirring: to simulate manufacturing conditions as early as possible during development
  • Data recording and reproducibility: our chemical synthesis systems are all automated and software-controlled. The data collected enables the understanding of the chemical process, as well as key insights for scale-up processes
  • Multiple reactions: using our parallel synthesis range, ideal for DoE and reaction investigations studies
  • Safety: minimize hazards and optimize reactions using our reaction calorimetry tools

Once the process has been defined at the bench scale, our scale-up solutions offer similar benefits to our process development range at pilot scale. These are ideal for performing proof-of-concept experiments before moving to the manufacturing scale.

With automation, process control, safety monitoring, and data capture through control software, our systems support complex multi-parameter experiments where accuracy is paramount. Fully suited to automatic operation, with in-built safety hard-stops and recovery capabilities.

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AutoLAB | Bench-Top Automated Reactor System

H.E.L’s fully customizable AutoLAB reactor platforms are designed, configured, and tailored to meet your specific process and application requirements.  The modular and highly adaptable nature of the system enables the platform to evolve with your research and development interests.

Controlled by H.E.L’s powerful control software platform, the AutoLAB supports a diverse range of applications, such as:

  • Polymerization
  • Crystallization
  • Synthesis
  • High- and low-pressure reactions
  • Process optimization
  • Kilo-pilot/production plant scale-up

H.E.L Group has been developing bespoke reactor solutions for the chemical R&D community for more than three decades, so if your work requires functionality that is not listed, please contact us.

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PolyBLOCK | Compact Automated Parallel Synthesis Platform

Key Features
  • 4 or 8 Independent reaction zones
  • Independent temperature control (100 °C difference between zones, temperature range of -40 °C to +200 °C)
  • Independent agitation control (250 to 1500 rpm, suspended mechanical or overhead stirring available)
  • Small footprint – no larger than a typical laboratory notebook
  • Use any combination of reaction vessels on one platform
  • Intuitive control software with a choice of interfaces

Designed to maximize your laboratory’s productivity, parallel synthesis technologies with PolyBLOCK is an easy-to-use, flexible, and compact multi-reactor system.

With either four (PolyBLOCK 4) or eight (PolyBLOCK 8) independently controlled and monitored zones, PolyBLOCK 4 offers working volumes of up to 500 ml and PolyBLOCK 8 up to 120 ml.  Reactor options range from 1 ml HPLC vials to round or flat-bottom flasks up to 250 ml and custom reaction vessels up to 500 ml.

Agitation in each zone is independently controlled and temperature monitoring and control is offered with either reactor and/or zone temperature.

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