Katanax X-100 Fluxer for XRF & ICP

The Katanax X-100 fluxer is a key part of our new offering in next-generation electric fusion, providing exceptional flexibility for outstanding ease of use and unparalled results. This single position fluxer is perfect for the needs of today's entry level modern laboratories. Please click on the tab links in the blue banner above for an in-depth description of the X-100.

Katanax X-100 Fluxer
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The X-100 fluxer: What it does

The Katanax X-100 equipment showcases state-of-the-art technology, establishing itself as a premier high-end solution. Its throughput, while optimized for efficiency, aligns with the requirements of lower throughput labs.

Thanks to a clever electrical and physical design, this compact unit will fit on any counter size and works on both 115 or 230V single phase supply line. The X-100 is equiped with revolutionary heating elements that are resistant to flux and chemical attacks. Heating elements can be changed individually, and will not become brittle. Not only does it features amazing heating elements, but the crucible and mold holders are also made of the same material, allowing a very high life expectation, they can be cleaned and re-used.

The furnace heats up to the required temperature in less than 15 minutes in the morning, and will then remain ready for quick startup of a new sample of XRF bead or ICP solution (with optional solution stirrer module). A PID temperature control ensure temperature stability and it is combined with a unique temperature calibration via molten flux.

The X-100 is pre-loaded with various fusion methods that can be used as is, or can be customized. All fusion methods are protected by a password and can be renamed, deleted or copied, just like computer files and they save automatically. Only the preset methods are protected to avoid accidental overwriting.

Upon turning the instrument on, the furnace door opens, the platinumware holders move forward and out of the furnace, and the door closes.

One crucible is loaded with a few grams of powdered sample, an appropriate flux and often other agents. The crucible is inserted into the crucible holder.

A platinum mold is then installed onto the mold holder, and the safety shield can be closed. Since the platinumware holders are made of ceramics, there is no risk of contamination during the fusion.

Special features

  • Productivity
    • Featuring CPLive networking functions !
  • Innovative heating elements
    • Impervious to flux and other chemical projections
    • Robust and non-brittle (instrument can be moved without element damage)
    • Cartridge type for easy replacement
    • Can be changed individually, with minimal interruption
  • Advanced furnace
    • PID temperature control to ensure stability, combined with a unique temperature calibration via molten flux
    • Fast heat-up (<15 minutes)
    • Strict use of ceramic eliminates metal contamination
  • Advanced movement control
    • Movement recovery in case of stall
    • All movement axis are driven directly
    • Uses encoders as movement feedback (no sensor)


  • Built with thoughtful engineering
  • Heating elements impervious to flux and chemical projections
  • Robust, all-ceramic platinumware holders
  • Industrial-grade motors and electronics
  • Shares several components with the expendable X-300 and the heavy-duty X-600


  • No gases used, so no post-combustion toxic products released
  • Minimal heat dissipation; only a standard vent hood is required
  • Integrated, auto-locking protection shield with safety glass viewport


  • Extra-precise temperature control achieved by PID temperature control, combined with a unique temperature calibration via molten flux
  • Entirely automated, cold-to-cold
  • Fully reproducible fusion methods
  • Outstanding reproducibility: the crucible and mold are at the same temperature
  • Real-time temperature display
  • Optimum pouring conditions, since the mold is in the furnace with the crucible


  • Makes glass disks for XRF
  • Can also make solutions (including peroxide or pyrosulfate fusions without modification)
    • Optional variable-speed embedded solutions stirrer available
    • Prepares one sample for XRF or one solution for ICP
    • Switching from disk to solution mode is quick and easy
  • Ready to fuse with built-in methods
  • Can perform solid or liquid oxidations
  • Fully customizable fusion methods


  • Advanced engineering
  • Easy installation
  • Intuitive graphical interface with multiple languages
  • Easy icon touch-screen navigation
  • Virtually maintenance-free; easy component access
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