TacticID Raman spectrometers for identification of unknowns in safety and security

Metrohm B&W Tek Non-Pharma Raman Analyzers provide reliable, high-performance chemical identification for industrial, environmental, and research applications. Designed for non-pharmaceutical use, these rugged and versatile analyzers deliver fast, non-destructive material verification in the lab or field.


  • The TacticID utilizes lab-proven Raman spectroscopy, allowing users to get real-time actionable identification of unknown chemicals, explosives, narcotics and many other substances.
  • The TacticID-1064 is a field-ready, handheld Raman Spectrometer designed for fast and accurate non-contact screening
  • Handly tool for security staff and emergency services (e.g. law enforcement personnel, customs and border guards, as well as bomb disposal squads).
  • The TacticID-1064 ST with 1064nm laser excitation and ST adapter for see-through applications scans a large sample area.

Key features

  • Non-destructive material identification and verification
  • No sample preparation required
  • Analysis through glass or plastic 
  • Fast, straightforward procedures
  • Highly sensitive spectrometers with repeatable results
  • Intuitive software with easy touchscreen operation
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Designed to provide quick information about unknown materials in critical situations, MIRA XTR gives first responders the actionable intelligence they need to formulate the best response. When law enforcement, military, and other defense and security professionals encounter illicit materials, they can get fast, onsite material ID without reaching out to a lab.

Key features

  • Large libraries available containing thousands of chemicals, including explosives, narcotics, and illicit materials
  • No-contact sampling with through-package, standoff, and remote acquisition capabilities such as integration into a remote-controlled robot
  • Wide variety of sampling attachments available for liquids, solids, and powders
  • Results within seconds
  • Easy-to-use instrument from power-up to results, no technical knowledge is required
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