Determination of Chloride in Ethylene glycols as per ASTM E2469

The amount of Chloride needs to be controlled in Ethylene Glycols. These are viscous solution and hence the sample needs to be diluted in water prior to injection which can be easily automated on Metrohm Autosampler using dedicated vessel for dilution & patented dosino for accurate sample / diluent aspiration & dispense.

The developed method on Metrohm IC with sample dilution automated, complies beyond ASTM E2469 requirement where Chloride is measured very accurately in the range 0.01 to 1.0 mg/kg using conductivity detector.

Metrohm IC
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Metrohm IC with sample dilution

Standard Chloride at 1.0 mg/L concentration

TEG Sample

Key features of Metrohm IC

  • Anion Suppressor is warranted for 10 years from manufacturer. No further investment in suppressor once IC has been procured. This translates into lower running cost.
  • Eluent is prepared in-house whereby reducing dependence of procuring it from manufacturer (open system)  
  • Automation- Inline Ultrafiltration, Inline Dilution to name a few among many other features helps in automating routine steps which otherwise would require manual intervention associated with manual errors, etc.
  • IC hardware with three years manufacturer warranty
  • Intelligent components for traceability, maintenance feedback for GLP
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Application Work AW IC AE6-0093-102019 - 1

Application Work AW IC AE6-0093-112019 -2

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