SGM-9 Portable Monitor for Mercury in Stack Gas

Mercury exposure even small amounts can cause serious health problems including toxic effects on the nervous, digestive, and immune systems, and lungs, kidneys, skin, and eyes. Emissions from coal combustion processes constitute a significant amount of the elemental mercury released into the atmosphere today.

SGM-9/9T is used for Total Gaseous Mercury (TGM) measurement, where it measures both Hg2+ and Hg0 from the emitted stack gas. SGM-9 is small and lightweight and can be used in a constraint workspace or any elevated workspace. It is quick and simple to mount, install, and operate, and it is compatible with the majority of the facility's flange sampling points.

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  • Compact & Convenient Design for Incredible Field-PorStability.
  • Versatile Application – Mercury Speciation Measurement.
  • Smart Reagent Management.
  • Real-Time On-Site Mercury Measurement.
  • Fully Functional & Accurate CVAAS (Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry) Mercury Monitor.

Incredible Field-Portability – Compact & Convenient Design

SGM-9 is light-weight and compact. Its design is suitable to access and use in constraint workspace or any elevated workspace as it does not require a large installation space and comprehensive utility. SGM-9 adopts a simple probe design with universal C-type-clamps – Suitable and compatible with most size flange sampling points within the facility, making it quick and easy to mount, install and use.

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Flue Gas of Coal-Boiler  |  Waste Incinerator  |  Sewage Sludge Incinerator  |  Medical Waste Incinerator  |  Crematoria  and more

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Versatile Application – Mercury Speciation Measurement

The types of mercury species present in stack gases typically depend on the kinds of materials or fossil fuels that are burned and the level of reactive gas (eg. HCl) available. To manage the mercury removal process effectively, efficiently, and economically, it is crucial to understand the levels of mercury species (elemental and ionic) that exist in the emitting gases to apply the correct Hg removal technologies.

Real-time mercury speciation (both elemental and ionic measurement) can be done by using 2 sets of SGM-9, from a single source of sample gas sharing into each SGM-9 with appropriate reagents.

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