Trace impurities analysis in Bulk Gases using Agilent 990 Micro-GC

Bulk gases have wide range of Industrial and medical applications. Analysis of impurities are vital for the grading and application of these gases. Agilent micro GC 990 helps in analyzing various impurities at trace level within few minutes by applying various columns and backflush combinations. The typical application is to analyze the trace impurities in Helium, Hydrogen , Oxygen , Argon , Nitrogen and Air.

Trace impurities analysis	using Agilent 990 Micro-GC
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Micro GC Features:

  • Good Separation and excellent LOD
  • Fast analysis with high sensitivity
  • Portability to perform analysis in the Lab as well onsite
  • Cost effective compared to high priced Helium Ionization Detector(HID)
  • Easy to configure and ready to use
  • Up to 4 independent Analysis channels can be selected

Reference Chromatograms

5 ppm each in He

2 ppm each in He

300 ppm He in H2

5 ppm each in H2

5 ppm each in H2

20 ppm Ar in O2

20 ppm O2 in Ar

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